Sunday, February 14, 2010

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book?

Grandma and Grandpa got the girls a gift certificate to a local book store, and Dellylu chose this beautiful book by Lauren Child. She passionately collects everything Charlie and Lola, who are the cutest characters ever. This story doesn't have Charlie and Lola, but the illustrations and pop-ups are irresistible.

Below is a synopsis by our eight year old.

"It's about a boy named Herb who gets trapped in fairy tale book with pop-up stories. But Herb drew mustaches and glasses on all of the people, and put telephones in every room. Goldilocks and the three bears are in it, and she is very angry when Herb is in her story."

It's a book about books and taking care of them. Dellylu was captivated by the book within a book idea, and counted them all up. I loved the message that was delivered without sounding preachy. Herb is no brow-beaten goody two shoes!

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