Saturday, January 30, 2010

Roaring rain

We've had lots of rain, which has relieved the heat we were suffering. Hubby rang yesterday from town. He was in the shopping centre wanting to know if we needed anything. He said it was pouring and I could hear the rain on the roof. Not a drop was falling here, 5 minutes from town.

Of course I went outside and brought the washing in, and I could hear it coming, roaring like a freight train, hitting the leaves on the trees as it came closer. So exciting. After helping with the washing, Dellylu ran outside and played in it, giggling. Our gutters are clogged and water sheeted off our roof.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I remember those kind of summer rains in Lview. A sheet of rain started at one end of our street and traveled down to the other end with steam rising. So fun to play in...
