Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Izzy's first day of high school 2010

Besties on the first day of high school.
Someone needed a cuddle.

This is the top of the hill they have to climb every day.

Well, I didn't get the photos I wanted: it was a crazy morning. You can see the excitement, though. I love the girls having uniforms. No makeup, hair tied up, no jewelry, specific shoes and socks. The only choice is 'dress' or 'skirt'.


  1. Bet the uniform saves on early morning fashion/hair dithering! Does Izzy like it? They are charmingly retro-- but I kinda like the bermuda/polo uniform too--- Looks easier to school around in and more contemporary. Which is your favorite?

  2. I like the dress, since it's only one garment to wash and iron. Also, with a dark skirt and white blouse that's 2 loads of laundry, since I could NEVER mix them! Looks good on her, too.

  3. They wear a quick-dry short and a polo shirt on their sport days, once a week. Public schools generally only have the sportier uniform, especially at elementary levels.
