Friday, December 11, 2009


Ok, so here are a couple of snaps from two different bbq's we have had recently. Firstly you have to pick some frangipanis, because it is hot and they smell so nice.
Then get some big mushies and pluck out the stems. In this instance we filled the caps with garlic butter before throwing on the grill (don't turn, of course).
Here are some veggies prepped for the grill. I parboil the corn and sweet potato slices. These mushies have been filled with marinated boccocini and brushed with oil from the jar. The asparagus has some of that oil on, too. I put butter and salt and pepper on the corn. YUM!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful flowers! Love grilled or roasted veg for BBQ sides--- or as sides with anything or as the main event! I even started roasting green beans and okra pods-- delicious! I put leftovers on my sandwiches-- give it a try! You'll be amazed!
