Tuesday, November 17, 2009

hot hot hot

It is currently 95 degrees F inside our house, and it is almost 8pm. Our air conditioner is broken and I have missed the repair man several times. Many Queensland homes don't have AC at all, so we feel very blessed. The high school where I work has un air-conditioned classrooms, and so does Izzy's future school.

So it is 95 deg. and we are eating dinner outside. A breeze kicks up and I moan in relief. Hubby (a tough, rabid greenie) says, 'Nature's air conditioning.' And Izzy says, 'If nature weren't so hot we wouldn't need air conditioning.' Gotta love the logic!


  1. Oh, I hope it has been fixed! It's miserable to sleep when it is so hot. You know my east Tx grandmother never had AC--- didn't bother her but it bothered everyone else!
    Schools here would would be on the news for mistreatment of staff and students if they didn't have AC! Do the kids there have a hard time concentrating when it gets that hot or are they just used to it?

  2. No, I missed ANOTHER call from our repairman today while attending the 12th grade graduation in an un-air-conditioned venue.

    The kids complain about the heat plenty, believe me, and it is almost impossible to get them to concentrate in the heat. They are miserable, and have to wear uniforms that may not be the coolest.The girls' current uniform is perfectly designed for the heat, except for exposing shoulders to sun.

    Staff rooms, libraries, computer rooms, etc generally have A/C. Not reall adequate.
